Monday, March 10, 2008

What is manufacturing program management?

A small group of people have the misconcept that manufacturing program management has something to do with computer language programing, something related to computer, or project management related.

I would like to share with you my opinion on program management, paying particular attention in electronics manufacturing.

In a nutshell, a manufacturing program manager is a person that wears different hats at different time, juggle a few balls in the air at any one time. He/she leads a team of experts to service one particular customer, or a group of customers.

Most of the time, he or she plays the role of customer interface to work with internal team as well as customers. An outstanding manufacturing program manager has a vast knowledge and experience in people management, production, planning, materials, engineering, quality, operations, MRP/ERP, financials, order management, problem solving, project management, leadership skills, crisis management, & etc. With the knowledge, he/she can effectively play different roles during each different situation.

In my next post, I will gradually share with you more details on the below topics:

a. Important personalities of a successful manufacturing program manager.
b. Knowledge required to be an outstanding manufacturing program manager.
c. Values of a superb manufacturing program manager.
d. Some of the know-how skills to be a successful manufacturing program manager.
e. How to out beat your competitor to be an outstanding manufacturing program manager.
f. The CRM (Customers Relationship Management) 101?
g. etc.

Of course, your most important question is "how can I also become one?"
More tools will also be shared with you on a constant basis.

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