Showing posts with label New Product Introduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Product Introduction. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

New Product Introduction (NPI) 101, Overview

    I would like to provide some simple explanation on what an NPI (New Product Introduction) is. 

    The situation can be best applied for a NPI in an EMS world, focusing in building a new product from their customer. This is only the basic. The overall NPI when executing, will be more than this. It should come with either a checklist, or a gantt chart to ensure everything is well covered. With proper planning, there are less loopholes or risk in the NPI. 

    Why is NPI important? It is important so that all the new product are properly manufactured in a controlled environment, as designed by the designer. Each new product is also properly tested & bought off before leaving the door. When the new product is released, the users or end users can use the product with perfect satisfaction & zero worries. 

    In my previous blog, I have shared the below. It is a very brief 4M + 1E information for an NPI. It could be used to prepare a checklist for an NPI focusing in 4M+1E

    I am adding the items in below text form. If you need a properly formatted copy, please email me so that it is easier for you to build the checklist. 

New Product Introduction 4M1E (In an EMS situation):

o What is the new product
Public application / use
Future market
Competitive advantage
o Man
Team available?
Need to establish one?
Direct labor
Indirect labor
Knowledge & experience available
Training requirement
o Cost incurred?
o Long term ROI
Hiring of a team
Setting up a team
Team requirement
o Organization
o Leader
o R&R
o Escalation points
o Team goal
o Machine
What SMT machine is required?
Any unique machines required?
Ask for manufacturing equipments required, if any
Age of quipments
Equipment limitation
Equipment capabilities
Equipment serviceability
What is the cost involved in new machines
Long term ROI
Ammortize in quotation
What is the NRE cost involved?
Long term ROI
Overall equipment cost
Including cost for space & utility utilization
Do not include profit
o Method
Direct transfer from customer?
Additional work needed?
o Evaluations
Marketing methodology
When to launch in the market?
Which region?
Why this topic is important?
All documents set up in EMS?
o Direct materials
Overall Instructions
Manufacturing Instructions
Packaging Instructions
Shipping & delivery instructions
o Ship to?
o Shipping requirement
o Storage requirement
o Inco terms
Storage requirement
o Finished goods
o Raw materials
Customer forecast
Methodology of manufacturing
o Buy per forecast?
o Build per forecast
o Buy per PO
o Build per PO
o Blanket PO
o All of these has serious & long term impact
Materials E&O
Finished Product inspection & buy off
Obtain from customers
o FAI requirement
o Qualification plan
Lead time for the inspections & buy off
Customers approval to build & ship
Qualification Plan
What to do if failed first build?
Weekly conference call
Topics to discuss
Who should attend?
o Material
All documents from customers?
Bill Of Materials
Manufacturing Instructions
All specifications
All approved vendors
When to buy materials
Who to buy from
Cost analysis
Buy standard pack
Buy just enough
To take note
Buy from AVL / AML
Buy legitimate materials
If extra cost needed?
o Due to short lead time
o What to do next?
Do not over buy or over stock
o Quantity
o Cost
o Exception
Cheap parts
Incoming inspections - what to do?
Buy from distributors
Buy from manufacturers
o Environment
EMS industry
EMS situation
Only manufacture the products for the customers
Did not design the product
Contract manufacturing
Business environment
Business quotation
o All documents to quote
o Quotation
Quotes submission
Customer buy off
o Customer award
Manufacturing agreement
Customers requirement buy off
Operational Environment
Clean room or not?

    Please email me if you would like to see additional information or further explanation on this topic. This is a massive topic. 

I appreciate your feedback & comments. Hope you enjoy the brief introduction. 

Thank you and best regards,
Ronald Gan