Showing posts with label account management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label account management. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

How to buy off your supplier's pricing, if you are from OEM

    This is a simple guide to buy off a contract manufacturer's price.... if you are outsourcing your products for someone to build. 
It is a simple guide that I would like to share. And it also has a simple process flow on how things could be done. 

Why I wrote this blog? I noticed that there are OEM folks that might not be at the competitive position to negotiate with their suppliers. Thus, they could not negotiate for a better pricing & be competitive with their competitors. 

Below is a mindmap guide as an overview, in JPEG form. I do have the PDF copy. 

Here are the details in point forms. If you would like a well formatted copy, please email me.

 How to buy off a supplier's pricing, if you are from OEM
o Pre-requisite
You are involved in supplier pricing
You are from OEM
You need to approve pricing
o What do you need?
A few suppliers
A business or a purpose
An RFQ package
Complete BOM & spec package
Manufacturing flow
Test requirements
ICT or Flying Probe
Functional test
System Test
Quality requirement
Annual volume
RFQ timeline overall
Sample products or pictures
o What are the catchy items
Incorrect costed BOM
Incorrect UOM
Incorrect labor assumptions
o General Process Flow
Identify business/opportunity
Identify potential contract manufacturers for RFQ
o Reach out to the CMs
Confirm interested, send RFQ
o BOM & specs
o Quality requirement
o Manufacturing flow
o Timeline
o Test requirement
o Any materials with contract pricing?
Provide the list
Provide a specific format for RFQ
o Organize a Q&A session with suppliers
All questions answered
Suppliers worked on RFQ package
Follow up with suppliers for RFQ status
Suppliers to submit RFQ
Review & buy off
o If ok, business award
o Start project? 
o Transfer project
o Qualification plan
Once approved, full business award granted
o How to review? 
Check BOM
Part numbers
o Description
Qty per
Obtain internal costed BOM
For comparison purposes
Check process flow from suppliers
Check suppliers' committed capacity
Labor cost
Cost per component price?
o Depends on
Complexity of product
Stability of design
Items to consider? 
Shop rate
o Building space needed
Depreciation period
Depreciation cost
o Water & electricity
o Total equipment cost
Depreciation period
o Labor required
o Wastage
o Effective working hours
o Manufacturing process
Non clean? 
Cleanroom requirement?
Conformal coating
o Rework rate
Number of heads used
o To see if there is duplicated stations
Where are the bottlenecks
Suppliers ROCE %
SG&A cost
Inco terms

If you would like to have more on the strategy, please email me. I can share more on how to catch where the contract manufacturer hides their fat, and what are the items to look at. 

Hope you enjoy this. 
As usual, please email me if you have additional comments or request. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Thank you & best regards,

Ronald Gan

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Quotation Process for Contract Manufacturing.... an example

     This is an example of how a quotation process is for contract manufacturing environment. 

    There are multiple systems used in the market for contract manufacturers. Some of them are using off the shelf product to carry out a quote. While others may have developed internal system to manage this process. Of course there are pros & cons for these 2 options. Can you list a few?  

    The below picture suggest the first part of the quotation process flow. The second part of the quotation process is actually listed in my earlier blog, named "new business buy off".


    There might be technical terms used. Please email me if you have any questions. This could be a basic start for you to learn how to know the whole quotation process works in an EMS industry. 

    Just one additional note, this process can also be used for any major ECO (engineering change order) re-quote. 

    Hope this helps you understand a little bit more on the quotation process in an EMS industry. As usual, I appreciate your feedback & comments. If you need a PDF copy, please email me. 


Best regards,

Ronald Gan

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Training provided on account management - an overview

    This is the training that I have provided previously on account management in an EMS industry. 

Just to share what are the topics involved in account management.

Below is the list of items as above, in text form:

Account Management Overview & Training

o Company internal Definition

Find from Intranet

o Roles & Responsibilities

o Organization



o Trainings proposed

Usual HR Training

Mandatory Training Required by COO


o Search "Training Market Sector"

RFQ Explanation

How to use the system?

How to smartly quote

What is this for?

Items to take note

Software & Tools


o Planning Analytics

o TM1

Power BI

Microsoft Dynamics 365

o Use of CRM

Customer Contacts

Customer Organization

Set opportunities for RFQ

Trigger NPS


Web based


Microsoft Office Tools

Company Intranet navigation


o Topics to discuss

Miller Heimann

Green sheet

Blue Sheet



Customer Review

What is this? 


o In Share point 



o Who needs to attend?

o Who may attend?

What do you need to do?

o Prepare

o Peer review

o Review with Senior Director

o Review with VP & MSVP

o Anticipate questions

o Access to Power BI

o Access to IBM Planning Analytics (Web1)

o Know how to navigate



How to obtain the file


Process Flow


o New

o Existing



o Customer

o Internal



o What is this for?

Planning Analytics

o What is this for?

Pricing File


Financial Forecast

Site level

Market sector level

Inventory E&O

Branding & Marketing

Self read

Company presentations

o Self learnt

o Expectations

Make mistakes & learn from that

Avoid repeating the mistakes

Pay attention to details

Stand back & think


Self learning

o Self explore


Multiple ways

Think out of the box

Challenge the status quo

Questions & Answers after reading the materials

Daily 1 hours of calibration session

o 10 am

o 3.30 pm

Practie yourself

o Be hands on

o Don't worry to make mistakes

o Purpose

Learning curve


Share what is the R&R

Knows what is CM

And know when to push back



Gather previous CMs' experience

Know what is important to CM team

o Characteristics



Always ready



Make hard decisions


People manager

When in trouble

Always come with proposals/solutions


Buyoff & agreement

Pay attention to details

Think & strategize

7 habits

Story teller

If you would like more information, please leave me a message. 

As usual, I appreciate your feedback & comments. 

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Ronald Gan